[squeak-dev] The Trunk: System-eem.1045.mcz
0000-11-02 04:30:13 UTC
Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-eem.1045
Author: eem
Time: 31 October 2018, 3:38:52.935624 pm
UUID: aece8105-e853-4c18-a38e-6872b4cd1440
Ancestors: System-fn.1044

Sort by name within bins when printing the results of a SpaceTally.

=============== Diff against System-fn.1044 ===============

Item was changed:
----- Method: SpaceTally>>printSpaceAnalysis:onStream: (in category 'fileOut') -----
printSpaceAnalysis: threshold onStream: stream
"If threshold > 0, then only those classes with more than that number
of instances will be shown, and they will be sorted by total instance space.
If threshold = 0, then all classes will appear, sorted by name."

| totalCodeSpace totalInstCount totalInstSpace totalPercent classNameLength printRow |
self systemWideSpaceTally.
totalCodeSpace := totalInstCount := totalInstSpace := 0.
classNameLength := 1.
results do: [ :each |
classNameLength := classNameLength max: each analyzedClassName size.
totalCodeSpace := totalCodeSpace + each codeSize.
totalInstCount := totalInstCount + each instanceCount.
totalInstSpace := totalInstSpace + each spaceForInstances ].
totalPercent := 0.0.

printRow := [ :class :codeSpace :instanceCount :instanceSpace :percent |
nextPutAll: (class padded: #right to: classNameLength + 1 with: $ );
nextPutAll: (codeSpace padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
nextPutAll: (instanceCount padded: #left to: 12 with: $ );
nextPutAll: (instanceSpace padded: #left to: 14 with: $ );
nextPutAll: (percent padded: #left to: 8 with: $ );
cr ].

stream timeStamp.
printRow valueWithArguments: { 'Class'. 'code space'. '# instances'. 'inst space'. 'percent' }.

+ threshold > 0
+ ifTrue: "If inst count threshold > 0, then sort by space"
+ [results := results select: [ :s |
+ s instanceCount >= threshold
+ or: [s spaceForInstances > (totalInstSpace // 500) ] ].
+ results sort: [ :s :s2 |
+ s spaceForInstances > s2 spaceForInstances
+ or: [s spaceForInstances = s2 spaceForInstances
+ and: [s analyzedClassName < s2 analyzedClassName] ] ] ]
+ ifFalse: "Otherwise sort by name"
+ [results sort: [ :s :s2 | s analyzedClassName < s2 analyzedClassName]].
- threshold > 0 ifTrue: [
- "If inst count threshold > 0, then sort by space"
- results := results select: [ :s |
- s instanceCount >= threshold or: [
- s spaceForInstances > (totalInstSpace // 500) ] ].
- results sort: [ :s :s2 | s spaceForInstances > s2 spaceForInstances ] ].

results do: [ :s |
| percent |
percent := s spaceForInstances * 100.0 / totalInstSpace.
totalPercent := totalPercent + percent.
printRow valueWithArguments: {
s analyzedClassName.
s codeSize printString.
s instanceCount printString.
s spaceForInstances asBytesDescription.
percent printShowingDecimalPlaces: 1 } ].

stream cr.
printRow valueWithArguments: {
totalCodeSpace printString.
totalInstCount printString.
totalInstSpace printString.
