[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Kernel-ul.1192.mcz
0000-10-26 03:00:00 UTC
Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Kernel-ul.1192
Author: ul
Time: 24 October 2018, 10:50:43.875546 pm
UUID: 72dfb776-3d77-4b84-9d69-d000e9a67ae1
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1191

- improved Integer >> #isPrime's performance
- slightly faster Categorizer >> #numberOfCategoryOfElement:

=============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1191 ===============

Item was changed:
----- Method: Categorizer>>numberOfCategoryOfElement: (in category 'accessing') -----
numberOfCategoryOfElement: element
"Answer the index of the category with which the argument, element, is

+ | categoryIndex elementIndex elementArraySize |
- | categoryIndex elementIndex |
categoryIndex := 1.
elementIndex := 0.
+ elementArraySize := elementArray size.
+ [(elementIndex := elementIndex + 1) <= elementArraySize]
- [(elementIndex := elementIndex + 1) <= elementArray size]
["point to correct category"
[elementIndex > (categoryStops at: categoryIndex)]
whileTrue: [categoryIndex := categoryIndex + 1].
"see if this is element"
element = (elementArray at: elementIndex) ifTrue: [^categoryIndex]].

Item was changed:
----- Method: Integer>>isPrime (in category 'testing') -----
"Answer true if the receiver is a prime number. See isProbablyPrime for a probabilistic
implementation that is much faster for large integers, and that is correct to an extremely
high statistical level of confidence (effectively deterministic)."

+ | probe step limit |
+ self <= 3 ifTrue: [ ^self >= 2 ].
+ self \\ 2 = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ self \\ 3 = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ self <= 1073741823 ifFalse: [ "1 << 30 - 1. For numbers larger than this (on 64-bit platforms) #isProbablyPrime is usually quicker."
- self <= 1 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
- self even ifTrue: [ ^self = 2].
- self <= 1073741823 ifFalse: [ "1 << 30 - 1. For numbers larger than this, the calculation takes longer than #isProbablyPrime when the receiver is a prime. The absolue turning point is about at 1 << 35 - 1."
^self isProbablyPrime ].
+ probe := 5.
+ step := 2. "Step will oscillate between 2 and 4 because at this point self \\ 6 is either 1 or 5."
+ limit := self sqrtFloor. "On 64-bit platforms this could be written as self asFloat sqrt truncated (+ 1), which is faster because it creates no intermediate objects. Knowing that self has at most 30 bits because of the check above, this value will never be larger than 32767."
+ [ probe <= limit ] whileTrue: [
+ self \\ probe = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ probe := probe + step.
+ step := 6 - step ].
- 3 to: self sqrtFloor by: 2 do: [ :each |
- self \\ each = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ] ].

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: LargeNegativeInteger>>isPrime (in
karl ramberg
2018-10-25 08:05:59 UTC
I was just playing with some random crackpot ideas yesterday which involved
This fix made a nice speed up :-)

diff := OrderedCollection new.
singular := 2.
3 to: 5000000 do:[: i | i isPrime ifTrue:[ diff add: i - singular.
singular := i]].
form := Form extent:***@8000.
pen := Pen newOnForm: form.
pen up.
pen goto: ***@6000.
pen down.
pen turn: 90.
pen color: Color black.
diff do:[:i | pen go: i. pen turn: 90].
form writePNGfileNamed: 'Sketch.png'

Post by c***@source.squeak.org
==================== Summary ====================
Name: Kernel-ul.1192
Author: ul
Time: 24 October 2018, 10:50:43.875546 pm
UUID: 72dfb776-3d77-4b84-9d69-d000e9a67ae1
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1191
- improved Integer >> #isPrime's performance
=============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1191 ===============
----- Method: Categorizer>>numberOfCategoryOfElement: (in category 'accessing') -----
numberOfCategoryOfElement: element
"Answer the index of the category with which the argument, element, is
+ | categoryIndex elementIndex elementArraySize |
- | categoryIndex elementIndex |
categoryIndex := 1.
elementIndex := 0.
+ elementArraySize := elementArray size.
+ [(elementIndex := elementIndex + 1) <= elementArraySize]
- [(elementIndex := elementIndex + 1) <= elementArray size]
["point to correct category"
[elementIndex > (categoryStops at: categoryIndex)]
whileTrue: [categoryIndex := categoryIndex + 1].
"see if this is element"
----- Method: Integer>>isPrime (in category 'testing') -----
"Answer true if the receiver is a prime number. See
isProbablyPrime for a probabilistic
implementation that is much faster for large integers, and that is
correct to an extremely
high statistical level of confidence (effectively deterministic)."
+ | probe step limit |
+ self <= 3 ifTrue: [ ^self >= 2 ].
+ self \\ 2 = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ self \\ 3 = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ self <= 1073741823 ifFalse: [ "1 << 30 - 1. For numbers larger
than this (on 64-bit platforms) #isProbablyPrime is usually quicker."
- self <= 1 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
- self even ifTrue: [ ^self = 2].
- self <= 1073741823 ifFalse: [ "1 << 30 - 1. For numbers larger
than this, the calculation takes longer than #isProbablyPrime when the
receiver is a prime. The absolue turning point is about at 1 << 35 - 1."
^self isProbablyPrime ].
+ probe := 5.
+ step := 2. "Step will oscillate between 2 and 4 because at this
point self \\ 6 is either 1 or 5."
+ limit := self sqrtFloor. "On 64-bit platforms this could be
written as self asFloat sqrt truncated (+ 1), which is faster because it
creates no intermediate objects. Knowing that self has at most 30 bits
because of the check above, this value will never be larger than 32767."
+ [ probe <= limit ] whileTrue: [
+ self \\ probe = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ probe := probe + step.
+ step := 6 - step ].
- 3 to: self sqrtFloor by: 2 do: [ :each |
- self \\ each = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ] ].
+ ----- Method: LargeNegativeInteger>>isPrime (in category 'testing') -----
+ isPrime
+ ^false!
Levente Uzonyi
2018-10-25 16:34:17 UTC
Hi Karl,

The ultimate tool for such use case is Integer >> #primesUpTo:(do:).
The code below is 3 times faster on my machine:

form := Form extent:***@8000.
pen := Pen newOnForm: form.
pen up.
pen goto: ***@6000.
pen down.
pen turn: 90.
pen color: Color black.
previousPrime := nil.
Integer primesUpTo: 5000000 do: [ :prime |
previousPrime ifNotNil: [
go: prime - previousPrime;
turn: 90 ].
previousPrime := prime ].
form writePNGfileNamed: 'Sketch.png'

Cool. I was just playing with some random crackpot ideas yesterday which involved primes.
This fix made a nice speed up :-)
   diff := OrderedCollection new.
   singular := 2.
   3 to: 5000000 do:[: i | i isPrime ifTrue:[ diff add: i - singular.
singular := i]].
  pen := Pen newOnForm: form.
  pen up.
  pen down.
  pen turn: 90.
  pen color: Color black.
  diff do:[:i | pen go: i. pen turn: 90].
  form writePNGfileNamed:  'Sketch.png'
==================== Summary ====================
Name: Kernel-ul.1192
Author: ul
Time: 24 October 2018, 10:50:43.875546 pm
UUID: 72dfb776-3d77-4b84-9d69-d000e9a67ae1
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1191
- improved Integer >> #isPrime's performance
=============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1191 ===============
  ----- Method: Categorizer>>numberOfCategoryOfElement: (in category 'accessing') -----
  numberOfCategoryOfElement: element
        "Answer the index of the category with which the argument, element, is
+       | categoryIndex elementIndex elementArraySize |
-       | categoryIndex elementIndex |
        categoryIndex := 1.
        elementIndex := 0.
+       elementArraySize := elementArray size.
+       [(elementIndex := elementIndex + 1) <= elementArraySize]
-       [(elementIndex := elementIndex + 1) <= elementArray size]
                        ["point to correct category"
                        [elementIndex > (categoryStops at: categoryIndex)]
                                whileTrue: [categoryIndex := categoryIndex + 1].
                        "see if this is element"
                        element = (elementArray at: elementIndex) ifTrue: [^categoryIndex]].
  ----- Method: Integer>>isPrime (in category 'testing') -----
        "Answer true if the receiver is a prime number. See isProbablyPrime for a probabilistic
        implementation that is much faster for large integers, and that is correct to an extremely
        high statistical level of confidence (effectively deterministic)."
+       | probe step limit |
+       self <= 3 ifTrue: [ ^self >= 2 ].
+       self \\ 2 = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+       self \\ 3 = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+       self <= 1073741823 ifFalse: [ "1 << 30 - 1. For numbers larger than this (on 64-bit platforms) #isProbablyPrime is usually quicker."
-       self <= 1 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
-       self even ifTrue: [ ^self = 2].
-       self <= 1073741823 ifFalse: [ "1 << 30 - 1. For numbers larger than this, the calculation takes longer than #isProbablyPrime when the receiver is a prime. The absolue turning point
is about at 1 << 35 - 1."
                ^self isProbablyPrime ].
+       probe := 5.
+       step := 2. "Step will oscillate between 2 and 4 because at this point self \\ 6 is either 1 or 5."
+       limit := self sqrtFloor. "On 64-bit platforms this could be written as self asFloat sqrt truncated (+ 1), which is faster because it creates no intermediate objects. Knowing that
self has at most 30 bits because of the check above, this value will never be larger than 32767."
+       [ probe <= limit ] whileTrue: [
+               self \\ probe = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+               probe := probe + step.
+               step := 6 - step ].
-       3 to: self sqrtFloor by: 2 do: [ :each |
-               self \\ each = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ] ].
+ ----- Method: LargeNegativeInteger>>isPrime (in category 'testing') -----
+ isPrime
+       ^false!
karl ramberg
2018-10-25 17:27:05 UTC
Nice :)

Post by Levente Uzonyi
Hi Karl,
The ultimate tool for such use case is Integer >> #primesUpTo:(do:).
pen := Pen newOnForm: form.
pen up.
pen down.
pen turn: 90.
pen color: Color black.
previousPrime := nil.
Integer primesUpTo: 5000000 do: [ :prime |
previousPrime ifNotNil: [
go: prime - previousPrime;
turn: 90 ].
previousPrime := prime ].
form writePNGfileNamed: 'Sketch.png'
Cool. I was just playing with some random crackpot ideas yesterday which
involved primes.
This fix made a nice speed up :-)
diff := OrderedCollection new.
singular := 2.
3 to: 5000000 do:[: i | i isPrime ifTrue:[ diff add: i - singular.
singular := i]].
pen := Pen newOnForm: form.
pen up.
pen down.
pen turn: 90.
pen color: Color black.
diff do:[:i | pen go: i. pen turn: 90].
form writePNGfileNamed: 'Sketch.png'
Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The
==================== Summary ====================
Name: Kernel-ul.1192
Author: ul
Time: 24 October 2018, 10:50:43.875546 pm
UUID: 72dfb776-3d77-4b84-9d69-d000e9a67ae1
Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1191
- improved Integer >> #isPrime's performance
=============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1191 ===============
----- Method: Categorizer>>numberOfCategoryOfElement: (in
category 'accessing') -----
numberOfCategoryOfElement: element
"Answer the index of the category with which the argument,
element, is
+ | categoryIndex elementIndex elementArraySize |
- | categoryIndex elementIndex |
categoryIndex := 1.
elementIndex := 0.
+ elementArraySize := elementArray size.
+ [(elementIndex := elementIndex + 1) <= elementArraySize]
- [(elementIndex := elementIndex + 1) <= elementArray size]
["point to correct category"
whileTrue: [categoryIndex :=
categoryIndex + 1].
"see if this is element"
element = (elementArray at: elementIndex)
ifTrue: [^categoryIndex]].
----- Method: Integer>>isPrime (in category 'testing') -----
"Answer true if the receiver is a prime number. See
isProbablyPrime for a probabilistic
implementation that is much faster for large integers, and
that is correct to an extremely
high statistical level of confidence (effectively
+ | probe step limit |
+ self <= 3 ifTrue: [ ^self >= 2 ].
+ self \\ 2 = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ self \\ 3 = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ self <= 1073741823 ifFalse: [ "1 << 30 - 1. For numbers
larger than this (on 64-bit platforms) #isProbablyPrime is usually quicker."
- self <= 1 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
- self even ifTrue: [ ^self = 2].
- self <= 1073741823 ifFalse: [ "1 << 30 - 1. For numbers
larger than this, the calculation takes longer than #isProbablyPrime when
the receiver is a prime. The absolue turning point
is about at 1 << 35 - 1."
^self isProbablyPrime ].
+ probe := 5.
+ step := 2. "Step will oscillate between 2 and 4 because at
this point self \\ 6 is either 1 or 5."
+ limit := self sqrtFloor. "On 64-bit platforms this could
be written as self asFloat sqrt truncated (+ 1), which is faster because it
creates no intermediate objects. Knowing that
self has at most 30 bits because of the check above, this value
will never be larger than 32767."
+ [ probe <= limit ] whileTrue: [
+ self \\ probe = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ].
+ probe := probe + step.
+ step := 6 - step ].
- 3 to: self sqrtFloor by: 2 do: [ :each |
- self \\ each = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ] ].
+ ----- Method: LargeNegativeInteger>>isPrime (in category
'testing') -----
+ isPrime
+ ^false!