[squeak-dev] The Inbox: MonticelloConfigurations-dtl.154.mcz
0000-11-07 23:56:55 UTC
A new version of MonticelloConfigurations was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MonticelloConfigurations-dtl.154
Author: dtl
Time: 6 November 2018, 12:48:49.134459 pm
UUID: fa8994d2-a6ef-4d3a-a765-e74a3c1b659d
Ancestors: MonticelloConfigurations-eem.153

Allow an updater to read its update maps from a local directory repository. Previously only HTTP repositories were supported. A local repository may be useful for testing an update stream prior to publishing update maps to a public location.

=============== Diff against MonticelloConfigurations-eem.153 ===============

Item was changed:
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater class>>repository:updateMap: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ repository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName
- repository: url updateMap: baseName
"Answer a new instance with empty last update map, not yet registered"

+ ^ self repository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName lastUpdateMap: Dictionary new!
- ^ self repository: url updateMap: baseName lastUpdateMap: Dictionary new!

Item was changed:
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater class>>repository:updateMap:lastUpdateMap: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ repository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName lastUpdateMap: dictionary
- repository: url updateMap: baseName lastUpdateMap: dictionary
"Answer a new instance, not yet registered"

^ self new
+ repository: urlOrDirectoryPath;
- repository: url;
updateMapName: baseName;
lastUpdateMap: dictionary!

Item was changed:
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater class>>updateMapNamed:repository: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ updateMapNamed: baseName repository: urlOrDirectoryPath
- updateMapNamed: baseName repository: url
"Answer an instance for the given repository URL with a base update name baseName,
Register a new instance if not present in the registry."

" | updater1 updater2 |
updater1 := self updateMapNamed: 'BAR' repository: 'FOO'.
updater2 := self updateMapNamed: 'BAZ' repository: 'FOO'.
updater1 unregister.
updater2 unregister.

+ ^(self forRepository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName)
- ^(self forRepository: url updateMap: baseName)
ifNil: [ "register a new updater"
+ (self repository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName) register].
- (self repository: url updateMap: baseName) register].


Item was changed:
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater>>getRepositoryFromRepositoryGroup (in category 'private') -----
"Answer the repository for this updater, ensuring that it is registered in the default MCRepositoryGroup"

^ MCRepositoryGroup default repositories
detect: [:r | r description = repository]
ifNone: [| r |
+ r := self repositoryAt: repository.
- r := MCHttpRepository
- location: repository
- user: ''
- password: ''.
MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: r.

Item was changed:
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater>>repository: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ repository: urlOrDirectoryPath
- repository: repositoryURLString

+ repository := urlOrDirectoryPath!
- repository := repositoryURLString!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCMcmUpdater>>repositoryAt: (in category 'private') -----
+ repositoryAt: urlOrDirectoryPath
+ "Answer a repository, assuming that urlOrDirectoryPath represents
+ either an HTTP repository or a local directory repository. The common
+ case is an HTTP repository, but a local repository may be useful for
+ testing an update stream prior to posting the update maps to a public
+ location."
+ (FileDirectory default directoryExists: urlOrDirectoryPath)
+ ifTrue: [^ MCDirectoryRepository path: urlOrDirectoryPath]
+ ifFalse: [^ MCHttpRepository
+ location: repository
+ user: ''
+ password:
David T. Lewis
2018-11-06 18:10:41 UTC

Suppose that you have an update stream called 'update.oscog' in the
VMMaker repository. The updater for that stream is:

updateMapNamed: 'update.oscog'
repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/VMMaker'.

If you want to develop and test some update maps for that stream, it
may be helpful to do the testing off line using update maps in a local
directory repository. The updater in this case would be:

updateMapNamed: 'update.oscog'
repository: '/path/to//local/repository'.

This also may be useful to test update maps for trunk in cases
where the updates seem dangerous, and may pose a risk of breaking
the trunk.

Post by c***@source.squeak.org
==================== Summary ====================
Name: MonticelloConfigurations-dtl.154
Author: dtl
Time: 6 November 2018, 12:48:49.134459 pm
UUID: fa8994d2-a6ef-4d3a-a765-e74a3c1b659d
Ancestors: MonticelloConfigurations-eem.153
Allow an updater to read its update maps from a local directory repository. Previously only HTTP repositories were supported. A local repository may be useful for testing an update stream prior to publishing update maps to a public location.
=============== Diff against MonticelloConfigurations-eem.153 ===============
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater class>>repository:updateMap: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ repository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName
- repository: url updateMap: baseName
"Answer a new instance with empty last update map, not yet registered"
+ ^ self repository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName lastUpdateMap: Dictionary new!
- ^ self repository: url updateMap: baseName lastUpdateMap: Dictionary new!
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater class>>repository:updateMap:lastUpdateMap: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ repository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName lastUpdateMap: dictionary
- repository: url updateMap: baseName lastUpdateMap: dictionary
"Answer a new instance, not yet registered"
^ self new
+ repository: urlOrDirectoryPath;
- repository: url;
updateMapName: baseName;
lastUpdateMap: dictionary!
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater class>>updateMapNamed:repository: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ updateMapNamed: baseName repository: urlOrDirectoryPath
- updateMapNamed: baseName repository: url
"Answer an instance for the given repository URL with a base update name baseName,
Register a new instance if not present in the registry."
" | updater1 updater2 |
updater1 := self updateMapNamed: 'BAR' repository: 'FOO'.
updater2 := self updateMapNamed: 'BAZ' repository: 'FOO'.
updater1 unregister.
updater2 unregister.
+ ^(self forRepository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName)
- ^(self forRepository: url updateMap: baseName)
ifNil: [ "register a new updater"
+ (self repository: urlOrDirectoryPath updateMap: baseName) register].
- (self repository: url updateMap: baseName) register].
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater>>getRepositoryFromRepositoryGroup (in category 'private') -----
"Answer the repository for this updater, ensuring that it is registered in the default MCRepositoryGroup"
^ MCRepositoryGroup default repositories
detect: [:r | r description = repository]
ifNone: [| r |
+ r := self repositoryAt: repository.
- r := MCHttpRepository
- location: repository
- user: ''
- password: ''.
MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: r.
----- Method: MCMcmUpdater>>repository: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ repository: urlOrDirectoryPath
- repository: repositoryURLString
+ repository := urlOrDirectoryPath!
- repository := repositoryURLString!
+ ----- Method: MCMcmUpdater>>repositoryAt: (in category 'private') -----
+ repositoryAt: urlOrDirectoryPath
+ "Answer a repository, assuming that urlOrDirectoryPath represents
+ either an HTTP repository or a local directory repository. The common
+ case is an HTTP repository, but a local repository may be useful for
+ testing an update stream prior to posting the update maps to a public
+ location."
+ (FileDirectory default directoryExists: urlOrDirectoryPath)
+ ifTrue: [^ MCDirectoryRepository path: urlOrDirectoryPath]
+ ifFalse: [^ MCHttpRepository
+ location: repository
+ user: ''
+ password: '']
+ !