[squeak-dev] source.squeak.org server latency
Chris Muller
2018-11-01 17:21:28 UTC
I believe I found the cause of the timeouts and it looks
Eliot Miranda
2018-11-02 00:29:44 UTC
I believe I found the cause of the timeouts and it looks like an easy
Cool. Please say what you think the cause is...

best, Eliot
Chris Muller
2018-11-02 17:26:37 UTC
What I suspected. It's the foreground Magma commit (e.g., while you
wait) that is getting blocked waiting on a Mutex which is occupied by
the background indexing process.

At first I thought to make the foreground commit occur in the
background so that control can be returned to the user quickly, but
since the background process issues its own commit anyway, the
foreground commit is actually totally superfluous. I plan to remove
it entirely which will basically leave the user experience identical
to a file-based only, which should greatly reduce (hopefully
eliminate) the timeouts.

Along with that will be an upgrade of the VM, image, and code base,
including Chronology (to Dave's UTCDateAndTime). Just a little more
patience please for all of these upgrades to be done.

- Chris
Post by Eliot Miranda
I believe I found the cause of the timeouts and it looks like an easy fix...
Cool. Please say what you think the caus