[squeak-dev] The Trunk: Tests-dtl.403.mcz
0000-11-12 08:14:44 UTC
David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-dtl.403
Author: dtl
Time: 10 November 2018, 9:23:38.977654 pm
UUID: e1eb9455-be0d-4680-a66f-cb6c4bb40901
Ancestors: Tests-pre.402

Add unit tests in InstallerTest to provide coverage of #mcThing version selection logic in InstallerMonticello. Methods are mocked to allow test execution without connecting to actual repositories or MC caches.

Documents a bug in version selection for Installer-Core version 424 and earlier.

=============== Diff against Tests-pre.402 ===============

Item was changed:
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Bugs'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Compiler'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Dependencies'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Digital Signatures'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Environments'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Exceptions'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-FilePackage'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Files'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Finalization'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Hex'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Installer-Core'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Localization'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Monticello'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Monticello-Mocks'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Monticello-Utils'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Object Events'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-ObjectsAsMethods'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-PrimCallController'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Release'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Digital Signatures'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Object Storage'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Preferences'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Support'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Utilities'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-VM'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Applications'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Monticello-Core'!

Item was added:
+ InstallerMonticello subclass: #InstallerMonticelloMock
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Tests-Installer-Core'!
+ !InstallerMonticelloMock commentStamp: 'dtl 11/10/2018 21:02' prior: 0!
+ An InstallerMonticelloMock is a Monticello installer with dummy methods
+ to mock the behavior of InstallerMonticello without connection to an
+ actual repository.
+ Some related classes are mocked as instances of InstallerTest, which
+ is sufficent to support the tests in InstallerTest.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerMonticelloMock>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ initialize
+ super initialize.
+ "Let a new instance of InstallerTest serve as a mock for the default MCRepositoryGroup"
+ mc := InstallerTest new.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerMonticelloMock>>setMockCache: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ setMockCache: fileNames
+ "Set the mock cache with file names similar to what might be expected
+ in a MCRepositoryGroup."
+ mc allFileNames: fileNames!

Item was changed:
TestCase subclass: #InstallerTest
+ instanceVariableNames: 'listOfFileNames mockAllFileNames mockConfigurationVersion'
- instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Tests-Installer-Core'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>allFileNames: (in category 'mock MCRepositoryGroup') -----
+ allFileNames: listOfNames
+ "mocking support - the list of names is a stand-in for the cache and file name retrieval"
+ mockAllFileNames := listOfNames
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>allFileNamesOrCache (in category 'mock MCRepositoryGroup') -----
+ allFileNamesOrCache
+ "mock for MCFileBasedRepository>>allFileNamesOrCache"
+ ^mockAllFileNames!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>isKindOf: (in category 'mock MCConfiguration') -----
+ isKindOf: aClass
+ "InstallerMonticello>>mcThing sends isKindOf: MCConfiguration. Let an Instance
+ of InstallerTest stand in as a replacement MCConfiguration for purposes of determing
+ the return value of #mcThing."
+ ^(super isKindOf: aClass)
+ or: [MCConfiguration withAllSubclasses
+ detect: [ :e | e = MCConfiguration]
+ ifNone: false.
+ true]
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>mockConfigurationVersion (in category 'mock MCConfiguration') -----
+ mockConfigurationVersion
+ ^mockConfigurationVersion!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>mockConfigurationVersion: (in category 'mock MCConfiguration') -----
+ mockConfigurationVersion: aVersion
+ mockConfigurationVersion := aVersion
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>setUp (in category 'running') -----
+ setUp
+ "A list of version names as might be answered by MCFileBasedRepository>>versionNamesForPackageNamed:"
+ listOfFileNames := #('Chronology-Core-dtl.23.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.9.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.8.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.24.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.14.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-bf.7.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.29.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-cmm.15.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.9.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.16.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.28.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.21.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.20.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.27.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-mt.11.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.4.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.22.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.3.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.27.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.10.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.18.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-bf.4.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-cmm.6.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.5.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.6.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.3.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.26.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.26.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.23.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.19.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-cmm.3.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.28.mcz' '
Chronology-Core-dtl.20.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-ul.8.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.27.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.9.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.11.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.10.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.28.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.11.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.25.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.18.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.30.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-ul.13.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.26.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-bf.5.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.5.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.15.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.11.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.8.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.21.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.24.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-ul.13.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-cmm.2.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.29.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.22.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.14.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.17.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.25.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.7.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.21.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.12.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.10.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.15.mcz' 'Chr
onology-Core-XXX.17.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.25.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.23.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.12.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.19.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.19.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.29.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-ul.10.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.6.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.4.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.18.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.16.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-pre.9.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-tcj.12.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.8.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.7.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.6.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.15.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.12.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.5.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.7.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.22.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.4.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.14.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.24.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.17.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-ul.13.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.20.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.16.mcz').
+ !

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testPackageAndVersionNameShouldSanitiseInput (in category 'package and version') -----
- ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testPackageAndVersionNameShouldSanitiseInput (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
| installer |
installer := Installer new.
self assert: {'Foo'. ''} equals: (installer packageAndVersionFrom: 'Foo').
self assert: {'Foo'. '1'} equals: (installer packageAndVersionFrom: 'Foo(1)').
self assert: {'Foo'. 'head'} equals: (installer packageAndVersionFrom: ' Foo ( head ) ').!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectFullySpecifiedBranchVersion (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectFullySpecifiedBranchVersion
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' }.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30.mcz' }.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectFullySpecifiedVersion (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectFullySpecifiedVersion
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30.mcz' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-bf.7.mcz' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectFullySpecifiedVersionWhereVersionNumberMayBeAmbiguous (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectFullySpecifiedVersionWhereVersionNumberMayBeAmbiguous
+ "Documents a bug in earlier versions of the Monticello installer, in which a
+ requiest to load version 3 would load the wrong version if a version 30 existed
+ in the same repository."
+ "(self selector: #testSelectFullySpecifiedVersionWhereVersionNumberMayBeAmbiguous) debug"
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self deny: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' = installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName
+ description: 'version 3 was specified, but version 30 was selected'.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self deny: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' = installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName
+ description: 'version 3 was specified, but version 30 was selected'.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3.mcz' }.
+ self deny: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' = installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName
+ description: 'version 3 was specified, but version 30 was selected'.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self deny: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' = installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName
+ description: 'version 3 was specified, but version 30 was selected'.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectLatestVersionForPackage (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectLatestVersionForPackage
+ "The listOfFileNames test data set contains more than one Chronology-Core-???.30
+ version differing by author initials. The first detected in sort order is valid, therefore
+ test only for package, branch, and version number."
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion packageAndBranchName.
+ self assert: 30 equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionNumber.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion packageAndBranchName.
+ self assert: 30 equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionNumber.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectLatestVersionInBranchForPackage (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectLatestVersionInBranchForPackage
+ "The listOfFileNames test data set contains more than one Chronology-Core.UTC-???.30
+ version differing by author initials. The first detected in sort order is valid, therefore
+ test only for package, branch, and version number."
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core.UTC' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion packageAndBranchName.
+ self assert: 30 equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionNumber.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion packageAndBranchName.
+ self assert: 30 equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionNumber.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>versionNamed: (in category 'mock MCRepositoryGroup') -----
+ versionNamed: fileToLoad
+ "mock for MCFileBasedRepository>>versionNamed:"
+ ^InstallerTest new mockConfigurationVersion: fileToLoad "mock MCConfiguration"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>versionNamesForPackageNamed: (in category 'mock MCRepositoryGroup') -----
+ versionNamesForPackageNamed: packageName
+ "mock for MCFileBasedRepository>>versionNamesForPackageNamed:"
+ ^ Array streamContents:
+ [ : stream | | wantBranch |
+ wantBranch := packageName includes: $..
+ self allFileNamesOrCache do:
+ [ : each | | mcVersionName branchName |
+ mcVersionName := each asMCVersionName.
+ branchName := wantBranch
+ ifTrue: [mcVersionName packageAndBranchName]
+ ifFalse: [mcVersionName packageName].
+ packageName = branchName ifTrue: [ stream n
David T. Lewis
2018-11-11 04:30:35 UTC
I just noticed that I accidentally dirtied the system categories with
this commit. I will delete the version from source.squeak.org and
resubmit it in a few minutes. Sorry for the confusion.

Post by c***@source.squeak.org
==================== Summary ====================
Name: Tests-dtl.403
Author: dtl
Time: 10 November 2018, 9:23:38.977654 pm
UUID: e1eb9455-be0d-4680-a66f-cb6c4bb40901
Ancestors: Tests-pre.402
Add unit tests in InstallerTest to provide coverage of #mcThing version selection logic in InstallerMonticello. Methods are mocked to allow test execution without connecting to actual repositories or MC caches.
Documents a bug in version selection for Installer-Core version 424 and earlier.
=============== Diff against Tests-pre.402 ===============
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Bugs'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Compiler'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Dependencies'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Digital Signatures'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Environments'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Exceptions'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-FilePackage'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Files'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Finalization'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Hex'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Installer-Core'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Localization'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Monticello'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Monticello-Mocks'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Monticello-Utils'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Object Events'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-ObjectsAsMethods'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-PrimCallController'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Release'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Digital Signatures'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Object Storage'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Preferences'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Support'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-Utilities'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-VM'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Tests-System-Applications'!
+ SystemOrganization a
0000-11-12 10:27:29 UTC
David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-dtl.403
Author: dtl
Time: 10 November 2018, 11:36:09.849981 pm
UUID: 8dbfba83-a491-4618-9a7f-a9e46ccd1a77
Ancestors: Tests-pre.402

Add unit tests in InstallerTest to provide coverage of #mcThing version selection logic in InstallerMonticello. Methods are mocked to allow test execution without connecting to actual repositories or MC caches.

Documents a bug in version selection for Installer-Core version 424 and earlier.

=============== Diff against Tests-pre.402 ===============

Item was added:
+ InstallerMonticello subclass: #InstallerMonticelloMock
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Tests-Installer-Core'!
+ !InstallerMonticelloMock commentStamp: 'dtl 11/10/2018 21:02' prior: 0!
+ An InstallerMonticelloMock is a Monticello installer with dummy methods
+ to mock the behavior of InstallerMonticello without connection to an
+ actual repository.
+ Some related classes are mocked as instances of InstallerTest, which
+ is sufficent to support the tests in InstallerTest.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerMonticelloMock>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ initialize
+ super initialize.
+ "Let a new instance of InstallerTest serve as a mock for the default MCRepositoryGroup"
+ mc := InstallerTest new.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerMonticelloMock>>setMockCache: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ setMockCache: fileNames
+ "Set the mock cache with file names similar to what might be expected
+ in a MCRepositoryGroup."
+ mc allFileNames: fileNames!

Item was changed:
TestCase subclass: #InstallerTest
+ instanceVariableNames: 'listOfFileNames mockAllFileNames mockConfigurationVersion'
- instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Tests-Installer-Core'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>allFileNames: (in category 'mock MCRepositoryGroup') -----
+ allFileNames: listOfNames
+ "mocking support - the list of names is a stand-in for the cache and file name retrieval"
+ mockAllFileNames := listOfNames
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>allFileNamesOrCache (in category 'mock MCRepositoryGroup') -----
+ allFileNamesOrCache
+ "mock for MCFileBasedRepository>>allFileNamesOrCache"
+ ^mockAllFileNames!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>isKindOf: (in category 'mock MCConfiguration') -----
+ isKindOf: aClass
+ "InstallerMonticello>>mcThing sends isKindOf: MCConfiguration. Let an Instance
+ of InstallerTest stand in as a replacement MCConfiguration for purposes of determing
+ the return value of #mcThing."
+ ^(super isKindOf: aClass)
+ or: [MCConfiguration withAllSubclasses
+ detect: [ :e | e = MCConfiguration]
+ ifNone: false.
+ true]
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>mockConfigurationVersion (in category 'mock MCConfiguration') -----
+ mockConfigurationVersion
+ ^mockConfigurationVersion!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>mockConfigurationVersion: (in category 'mock MCConfiguration') -----
+ mockConfigurationVersion: aVersion
+ mockConfigurationVersion := aVersion
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>setUp (in category 'running') -----
+ setUp
+ "A list of version names as might be answered by MCFileBasedRepository>>versionNamesForPackageNamed:"
+ listOfFileNames := #('Chronology-Core-dtl.23.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.9.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.8.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.24.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.14.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-bf.7.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.29.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-cmm.15.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.9.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.16.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.28.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.21.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.20.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.27.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-mt.11.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.4.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.22.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.3.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.27.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.10.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.18.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-bf.4.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-cmm.6.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.5.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.6.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.3.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.26.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.26.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.23.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.19.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-cmm.3.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.28.mcz' '
Chronology-Core-dtl.20.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-ul.8.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.27.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.9.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.11.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.10.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.28.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.11.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.25.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.18.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.30.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-ul.13.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.26.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-bf.5.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.5.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.15.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.11.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.8.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.21.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.24.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-ul.13.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-cmm.2.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.29.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.22.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.14.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.17.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.25.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.7.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.21.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.12.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.10.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.15.mcz' 'Chr
onology-Core-XXX.17.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.25.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.23.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.12.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.19.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.19.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.29.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-ul.10.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.6.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.4.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.18.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.16.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-pre.9.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-tcj.12.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.8.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.7.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.6.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.15.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.12.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.5.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.7.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.22.mcz' 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.4.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.14.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.24.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-dtl.17.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-ul.13.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.20.mcz' 'Chronology-Core-XXX.16.mcz').
+ !

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testPackageAndVersionNameShouldSanitiseInput (in category 'package and version') -----
- ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testPackageAndVersionNameShouldSanitiseInput (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
| installer |
installer := Installer new.
self assert: {'Foo'. ''} equals: (installer packageAndVersionFrom: 'Foo').
self assert: {'Foo'. '1'} equals: (installer packageAndVersionFrom: 'Foo(1)').
self assert: {'Foo'. 'head'} equals: (installer packageAndVersionFrom: ' Foo ( head ) ').!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectFullySpecifiedBranchVersion (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectFullySpecifiedBranchVersion
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' }.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30.mcz' }.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectFullySpecifiedVersion (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectFullySpecifiedVersion
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30.mcz' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-bf.7.mcz' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-bf.7' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectFullySpecifiedVersionWhereVersionNumberMayBeAmbiguous (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectFullySpecifiedVersionWhereVersionNumberMayBeAmbiguous
+ "Documents a bug in earlier versions of the Monticello installer, in which a
+ requiest to load version 3 would load the wrong version if a version 30 existed
+ in the same repository."
+ "(self selector: #testSelectFullySpecifiedVersionWhereVersionNumberMayBeAmbiguous) debug"
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self deny: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' = installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName
+ description: 'version 3 was specified, but version 30 was selected'.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self deny: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' = installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName
+ description: 'version 3 was specified, but version 30 was selected'.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3.mcz' }.
+ self deny: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' = installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName
+ description: 'version 3 was specified, but version 30 was selected'.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self deny: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.30' = installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName
+ description: 'version 3 was specified, but version 30 was selected'.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core-dtl.3' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionName.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectLatestVersionForPackage (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectLatestVersionForPackage
+ "The listOfFileNames test data set contains more than one Chronology-Core-???.30
+ version differing by author initials. The first detected in sort order is valid, therefore
+ test only for package, branch, and version number."
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion packageAndBranchName.
+ self assert: 30 equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionNumber.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion packageAndBranchName.
+ self assert: 30 equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionNumber.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>testSelectLatestVersionInBranchForPackage (in category 'version selection') -----
+ testSelectLatestVersionInBranchForPackage
+ "The listOfFileNames test data set contains more than one Chronology-Core.UTC-???.30
+ version differing by author initials. The first detected in sort order is valid, therefore
+ test only for package, branch, and version number."
+ | installer |
+ installer := InstallerMonticelloMock new.
+ installer packages: { 'Chronology-Core.UTC' }.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion packageAndBranchName.
+ self assert: 30 equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionNumber.
+ installer setMockCache: listOfFileNames reversed.
+ self assert: 'Chronology-Core.UTC' equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion packageAndBranchName.
+ self assert: 30 equals: installer mcThing mockConfigurationVersion versionNumber.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>versionNamed: (in category 'mock MCRepositoryGroup') -----
+ versionNamed: fileToLoad
+ "mock for MCFileBasedRepository>>versionNamed:"
+ ^InstallerTest new mockConfigurationVersion: fileToLoad "mock MCConfiguration"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: InstallerTest>>versionNamesForPackageNamed: (in category 'mock MCRepositoryGroup') -----
+ versionNamesForPackageNamed: packageName
+ "mock for MCFileBasedRepository>>versionNamesForPackageNamed:"
+ ^ Array streamContents:
+ [ : stream | | wantBranch |
+ wantBranch := packageName includes: $..
+ self allFileNamesOrCache do:
+ [ : each | | mcVersionName branchName |
+ mcVersionName := each asMCVersionName.
+ branchName := wantBranch
+ ifTrue: [mcVersionName packageAndBranchName]
+ ifFalse: [mcVersionName packageName].
+ packageName = branch
