[squeak-dev] Squeak/Software Freedom Conservancy needs donations
tim Rowledge
2018-12-05 18:21:50 UTC
As everyone may already know, we (as in Squeak) are members of the Software Freedom Conservancy (sfconservancy.org) as a way to have a legal existence and so on.

Every now and then they try to raise some money to keep operating, and right now they have a big donation matching effort in progress. Please consider tossing a few dollars, euros, yen or what have you their way.

tim Rowledge; ***@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
We can rescue a hostage or bankrupt a system. Now, what would you lik
Ron Teitelbaum
2018-12-05 18:35:32 UTC
Hi Tim,

Do we need to use that link to get matching or should we use the donate
button on squeak.org?

All the best,

Ron Teitelbaum
Post by tim Rowledge
As everyone may already know, we (as in Squeak) are members of the
Software Freedom Conservancy (sfconservancy.org) as a way to have a legal
existence and so on.
Every now and then they try to raise some money to keep operating, and
right now they have a big donation matching effort in progress. Please
consider tossing a few dollars, euros, yen or what have you their way.
We can rescue a hostage or bankrupt a system. Now, what would you like us
to do?
tim Rowledge
2018-12-05 18:41:30 UTC
Post by Ron Teitelbaum
Hi Tim,
Do we need to use that link to get matching or should we use the donate button on squeak.org?
Excellent question. It says, near the bottom of the page
"Finally, Conservancy also maintains directed donation programs for its member projects. Donation links for these directed donation programs are typically found on the individual websites of our members."
That sounds like all donations get passed through the match-o-matic to me.

tim Rowledge; ***@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
A clear conscience is usually the s
